Well Hi there.....
This my 1st time at writting anything like this....
But I hope to do this every day, so i can kep a track of myself...
Ok, just in case there is someone out there that will read this, I will tell abit about myself.
Iam a 32yr old male, Iam classed as bear/cub, more bear atm, but hoping to change that before Christmas this yr..... What do I mean, well i work as a cook in the Royal Australian Navy, (RAN), and the navy tells me that i am over weight, so sence Nov. last yr I have been trying to get my ass into shape.
I can pass the yearly fitness test, and still carry out my duties on the ship, so I guess they are worried that coz I'm fat, I could have a heart attack out at sea.
I did boot camp with fitness first, and enjoyed doing that, so i will look at getting back to that soon. I am very lucky, coz there is about 3 people on my ship who wants to get into the gym with me, too whip me into shape, too bad that they are girls, coz it would be more fun, (well for me anyway),too have a hot guy getting me into shape, but i guess with the girls we can rate he guys in the gym.....LOL.....
I went to sureslim today and signed up with them, it costed me $695.00, BUT if it works, and it is going too, it will be money well spent.
My aim is to become a muscle bear, by this time next yr. I plan on doing a round the world trip at the end of 2007, and want to be hit on by some really hot guys.
I have a friend who is overseas at the moment, and reading his blog, it sounds like he is having fun, he has been away for about 5 to 6 weeks. I have been missing him. Hopefully we can do dinner when he gets home, so he can tell me all about it.
I have just finish watching Brokeback Mountain on DVD, I have seen it twice now, and it still gets me thinking...... I think about how nice it would be to have someone there for ya, to come home too, to share the day, the ups and downs, then when Jack get killed, (sorry if you have not seen the movie), and I think, if that person that I loved, died, I don't think I could cope, so by the end of the movie, I come to this conclusion.......
"Always live the day to the fullest. Love friends unconditionally, and Get out there and just have fun."
That is why now I can go out on a friday night, or out with friends, and go home by myself, and know that, 'I have just spent time with someone'. Don't get me wrong, I still need release every now and then, but that is what fuckbuddies are for, (and S.O.P's, (Kens @ HQ)).
Ok time to finish up for the night, will chat tomorrow.
Dan the MAN.