Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What a great day......

Never in my life had I ever expected to be able to do this again.........

Ray, you are amazing person. giving and unselfish.

Once again, Ray has let me play with his kids, and how can you not love these animals.

This time, Ray had two 8 week old lion cubs called Amy and Ethan, what amazing animals they are, both have different personalities.

Amy, she loves the attention, but Ethan is a little shy.

I have pictures of Amy climbing all over me. It still brings a smile to my face.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


One of the things that I have promise myself this year, is to learn more.

And one of the things I want to teach myself, is how to make the most out of my blog. As you can see it is VERY basic, I want to added a picture of myself, add a photo ablum, all in all, jazz it up abit.

I also going to teach myself the art of archery, 3D, it is something that I have wanted to do for over a year. I have the compound bow, just need to get some new arrows, then go to some beginners class. I have been thinking of going camping with some mates and just get use to the bow, But both of them have gone to sea, yes they are in the navy aswell.

Anyway, Here I am, sitting in Brisbane Airport, just about to fly to Cairns for a couple of days.
Tomorrow I have to go and visit my brother, as one of his sons got married today. He is very upset with us, (his other brothers and sisters), for not going to the wedding, but what are we to do, we live over 2500kms away. If they keep the wedding date in August, then they would have more of us going. SHIT happens I say.

My really good friend in Cairns, has just finished a IT course, maybe I should get him to show me what photo program to buy, and how to use it.

I have been chatting to this guy online and he does this artwork, with photos and computers, don't really know the name of it, but what I have seen I am keen to give it ago.

With work, I am going to start standing up for myself, lately I have just let people walk all over me. This is one of the reasons why I have taken this break short notice.

I REALLY want to go to the gulf this year, sitting dry dock for a year has done my head in, I am sick of not doing anything or not going anywhere. It is NOT what I joined up to do, I joined to travel, to see the world, to do what I have been trained to do.

OK I better get off this soap box, before I fall off it.

Cya soon.
Dan the MAN.